Adults: Take 1/4 to 3/4 tsp daily (can very safely be increased)
Children: 1/8th to 1/2 tsp (depending on body weight)
Pets: Go by body weight such as: Small to medium animals 1/16th to ½ tsp / Large dogs: ¾ to 1 tsp
Livestock: Contact me for larger doses, bulk orders, and discounts
Immune Support is most effective when taken daily, not just on the onset of illness.
Gastrointestinal Health – better digestion and strengthens mucosal lining
Inhibits growth of E. coli, the bacteria most commonly associated with food poisoning.
Stops growth of Candida Tropicalis
Fewer Cold and Flus and improves Respiratory Health
Autoimmune Diseases – also does not stimulate Autoimmune conditions
Immunoglobin A (IgA)* gives immune systems significantly more ability to kill viruses, bacteria, and tumor cells. Similar to “first milk” or colostrum
B Vitamins / Amino Acids / Minerals and Trace Minerals
Increases NK (Natural Killer) Cell activity * by 4 times
Resveratrol *– the antioxidant, anti-aging supplement
Increases Glutathione * - health and longevity
Selenium* and Squalene* (shark oil) - Immune system powerhouses
Antioxidant (ORAC value, Beta Glucans *)
Increases exercise tolerance, decreased heart rate, lower respiration rate, and decreased lactic acid buildup (fatigue and muscle failure in endurance exercise)
Combats the Effects of Stress
Excellent for Lactation
* Known cancer / tumor fighters
Pets reap the same benefits but also see shiny, healthier coats, optimized health, wellness, vitality, digestion, muscle weight gain, litter weights, milk production, and even survivability in all the various animals it's been tried on.
Immune Support is made with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a concentrated yeast culture made with proprietary postbiotic and microbial fermentation science and technology. Although it is a yeast fermentate, it does not create or proliferate Candida, and is actually a Candida fighter. Immune Support is Non-GMO and Organic
In the late 1800’s C.W. Bloomhall, a young boy who lived on a family farm, noticed that animals fed table scraps fermented with sour milk seemed to be healthier than animals fed simple grains alone. After retiring from the milling industry in 1943, Bloomhall decided to put his theory to the test – that fermented foods provided unique health benefits. He developed a specialized fermentation process to create an ingredient that would improve the health and productivity of livestock. Fast forward to 1998; factory employees at Bloomhall’s manufacturing facility were not using much sick leave or filing medical claims. The support staff (accountants and the like), however, took sick leave at rates that were comparable to most companies across the country. After accounting for all the other possible factors, it appeared the improved health of those in the production plant could be traced to their repeated exposure to the fermented yeast culture dust in the production plant. Subsequent interviews revealed, time and time again, that an employee's health picture often changed dramatically after coming to work at the facility. Some, despite experiencing yearly flu and colds in the past, reported they had not had either in the years since they started work at the plant.
The vice president of operations was married to an ER nurse and before taking the job at the facility, he, his wife, and his children routinely came down with colds, flu, and other infections - undoubtedly brought home from the hospital by his wife. He did not experience colds, flu, or an infectious disease for the many years he worked there. His wife and children, however, continued to succumb to several infections each year.
Another employee, along with his twin sister (who didn't work at the plant), was diagnosed as having the congenital disease retinitis pigmentosa (RP) - a condition that eventually leads to complete blindness as clumps of pigment begin to accumulate on the retina. There is no medical treatment. Vision generally begins to fail when one reaches their 30s, and blindness is typical within 15 to 20 years. After 30 years of working in the dusty plant, this employee's RP hadn't progressed at all - while his sister had lost 90 percent of her sight.
The story was pretty much the same for the other 35 individuals who worked in the plant. Some hadn't experienced a cold, flu, or other infection in 25 years. Others reported improvement in chronic allergy conditions, autoimmune problems, gastrointestinal health, and numerous other conditions after starting work at the plant.
Researchers then began to take a closer look at the effects yeast cultures might have on humans. Their findings were amazing, to say the least.
NK cells are your immune system's first line of defense against invading pathogens or cancer cells. Researchers found that NK cell activity increased four-fold following continued ingestion of the concentrated yeast culture. This increased efficiency allowed the immune system to perform at superior levels with fewer NK cells - sparing the body the stress and expenditure of having to produce more NK cells.
It also improved the ratio of immune helper cells to suppressor cells. In the simplest terms, helper cells (CD4 cells) are crucial in coordinating the response of the immune system to pathogens. They activate other immune cells and stimulate the production of antibodies. Suppressor cells (CD8 cells), on the other hand, help maintain a balance, so your immune system doesn't "over-react." They stop an attack.
Individuals taking the yeast culture also exhibited higher levels of antibodies, indicating their immune systems were more effective. It is believed that one of the most important findings of all has to do with levels of what's called IgA.
Immunoglobin A (IgA) is an antibody found in the mucosal lining of the respiratory and digestive tracts and an indicator of mucosal barrier strength. The research showed that the ingestion (even if through inhalation) of this fermented yeast culture was directly associated with astoundingly higher levels of IgA. This was obviously one of the determining factors as to whether one contracted an infectious disease or went years or decades without any infection whatsoever. As an interesting side note, it's the presence of IgA in the "first milk" or colostrum that helps protect newborns from infection.
One of the head researchers of this yeast culture showed the laboratory findings to a colleague who was highly trained and well-respected in the field of immunology. The colleague responded that the level of immune markers in individuals ingesting this product was much higher than that seen in other humans. This, in turn, gave those people's immune systems significantly more ability to kill viruses, bacteria, and tumor cells. Selenium, a powerful antioxidant. Insufficient selenium in the diet allows viruses to mutate. Squalene, a steroid precursor normally found in only a few species of sharks and a few plants. It's one of the key immune-boosting components responsible for the marketing of shark liver oil. Resveratrol, one of the true "anti-aging" compounds, which is normally found in grape skins and red wine.
They've also found it contains all the primary minerals, trace minerals, amino acids, and several B vitamins, as well as other beneficial compounds normally found only in foods like blueberries and green tea.
Ingestion of the yeast culture increases glutathione levels as well. There is a direct relationship between your glutathione levels and health and longevity. It's typical for glutathione levels to decrease as a person ages, but individuals who are able to maintain higher levels of glutathione live longer and healthier lives.
The lab tests have also revealed that the yeast culture has over three times the antioxidant capacity of any known food. The oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of the product was shown to be 614, which is almost four times the highest ORAC-value food, black raspberries, which have a value of 164. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a measurement of a substance's ability to neutralize oxygen free radicals in a test tube. A higher ORAC value indicates greater antioxidant activity. Some studies have found that a higher dietary ORAC is associated with a lower risk of certain cancers.
All the studies conducted so far have revealed that this cultured yeast product is non-toxic and safe.Extensive toxicology studies have been undertaken, and even at extremely high dosages there has never been any indication of any side effects. It has also been tested for pesticides (over 139 of the most common) and toxic residues -and it contains neither.
Additional tests have been performed to determine if it interferes with over the counter or prescription medications -and it doesn't.
I'm sure one concern for many people has to be the fact that the product is a yeast culture. Individuals bothered with systemic infections from the yeast Candida albicans are hesitant about including any yeast products in their diet. Yeast infections have been linked to numerous chronic health problems. It's important to remember, however, that this product is a dried, fermented yeast culture.As opposed to live yeast, this culture contains the fermented metabolites of a once-live colony of yeast, as well as the dead yeast itself and the residue of the medium it was grown on. It doesn't transfer live yeast organisms to your GI tract, but instead facilitates and increases the growth of the existing beneficial bacterial flora. Most everyone has Candida albicans and dozens of other potential pathogens living in their lower GI tract, but few of those people go on to experience any problems -because their level of beneficial bacteria is sufficient to keep the pathogens in check.
In effect, components of this product work as a "prebiotic" to feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut. (Don't forget to keep taking your probiotics or Ion Gut and fermented food to replenish the beneficial bacteria as well.) Beneficial bacteria produce secondary byproducts or "metabolites" that inhibit the growth of harmful viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens. The yeast culture also provides its own, very potent metabolites.
Very minute levels (we're talking one part per billion) of this product have been shown to totally inhibit the growth of E. coli, the bacteria most commonly associated with food poisoning. It also completely stopped the growth of Candida tropicalis, which is the second most commonly encountered pathogen and a major cause of blood poisoning (septicemia) - particularly among individuals with diabetes, leukemia, or lymphoma.
The combination of dead yeast and metabolites in this yeast culture also increases mass in the gastrointestinal tract and improves fiber and protein digestion by supplying a long list of various nutrients and enzymes. For example, one of the enzymes was found to be phytase -necessary for the proper utilization of phosphorus, which is essential for bone health.
One of the strongest attributes of this product is the fact that it balances the immune system rather than acts as an immune stimulant. This is an extremely important point to keep in mind. Individuals who suffer from what are called autoimmune diseases can make their condition worse by taking anything that overstimulates their immune system. Their immune systems have lost their ability to distinguish normal healthy cells from pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) and will readily attack healthy cells. For example, in type 1 diabetes, the immune system destroys the islet cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. In rheumatoid arthritis it attacks the joints. Other examples of autoimmune disease include multiple sclerosis (MS), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and Graves’ disease.
This is a product you can (and should) take on a consistent basis to help keep your immune system balanced without overstimulation. Since it's not a stimulant, it wouldn't be used as a "treatment" for some acute problems like a cold or flu. Instead, it's something that can be taken continuously to prevent a cold, flu, or other infection from happening in the first place. It's a maintenance-type product that has a long history of being safe and effective for long-term use.
There have been reports of individuals obtaining relief from chronic allergies in just two to four weeks.
Various studies indicate Immune Support increases exercise tolerance - resulting in a decreased heart rate, lower respiration rate, and, remarkably, decreased lactic acid buildup in the muscles. It's that buildup that leads to fatigue and muscle failure in endurance exercise like marathons. Combating the effects of stress is just another of many areas where this yeast culture product would be beneficial.
The product is very stable. If kept dry, in a sealed container at a temperature of 75 degrees or less, it has at least a two-year shelf life from the time of manufacturing (check with Nancy regarding expiration date).
For information on purchasing Immune Support contact: