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  • Fill the medicine cup of the nebulizer with the solution to 6cc.  If you can't see the measuring line, it's just slightly over 1 teaspoon.   

  • If you have a mask (recommended), breathe alternating between the nose and mouth. 

  • Nebulizing Colloidal Silver can be alternated with Nebulizing Solution but should be kept 3 hours apart and the cup cleaned between use. 

  • One 8 oz bottle contains approximately 48 to 50 breathing treatments.​


ADULT SOLUTION: Can be used often as every 3 hours during illness and early onset. It can be used as maintenance, which is only needed when exposed or the immune system is low. 


PEDIATRIC SOLUTION: Can be used often as every hour during illness and early onset. It can be used as maintenance, which is only needed when exposed or the immune system is low. 





Nebulize at the first sign of a cold, flu, sinus infection, or exposure to infection. If catching it early-on, several treatments may be all you need.  If you are full-blown sick, follow the protocol above for each strength.  Once you are getting better, reduce to every 4 to 6 hours or less. 


Great for long term sinus or lung conditions but read your body!  If you experience anything but relief, discontinue and contact me.  



Take the long, clear tube; one end goes to the bottom of the mask/ medicine cup, and the other end goes onto the nebulizer, which is very easy to find. It’s also very easy to find the on/off switch, and you are good to go! Message or call me if you have difficulty. Once assembled, at the base of the mask, there is a little “bulb” that are two pieces that screw together.  That is a medicine cup.  On that cup, there are tiny lines (hard to see). The top line is 6cc or 1 teaspoon.  You will pour that amount of Nebulizing Solution into the medicine cup, screw together, and that is one treatment (10-to-20-minute treatment).


You should see a fine mist billowing out.  If you don’t, double-check all your tubing to see if it’s securely attached.  Also, if your 1 teaspoon lasts way longer than 20 minutes, you also may not be attached properly. 


In the nebulizer box, there will be a tube and mouthpiece that comes with it. It’s probably good to hold on to that but it’s the over the nose AND mouth mask that really is the most effective because you want to get the mist up into your sinuses as well as your lungs!


I like to breathe in through my nose for my sinuses, and alternate breathing through my mouth to get the solution into my lungs.  If you are having more difficulty in one of those areas (sinuses or lungs), just focus a little bit more on that area while breathing but continue to alternate. 



If you are going to be using your mask all day, you do not have to clean between uses but should be cleaned before you put your kit away, To clean your mask, wash with warm soapy water, lightly dry, and spray with either colloidal silver or store-bought hydrogen peroxide. If you don’t have either of those, do remember that the solution kills pathogens, but should be washed thoroughly.I don’t recommend it, but if you must share a mask with other people that are sick, make sure to clean all and sanitize all parts that have been touched.I sell extra masks for $10 each and each person should have their own mask.



There is conflicting information on the shelf life that ranges from 4 months to 1 year. I find that solutions that are a year or older are fine, just purchase new if you have concerns. Store in a cool area, away from heavy electrical, or high heat. Some refrigerate when not in use but there is also conflicting information on that as well.



Did you know that you can nebulize Colloidal Silver too? Just follow the same instructions as the Nebulizing Solution but keep the two solutions separate and treatments 2 to 3 hours apart. I believe that the H202 solution is superior because it delivers oxygen as it goes after pathogens, but I think following up with an occasional treatment of colloidal silver is like a “sucker punch” to the pathogens! Some people report that oxygenating with hydrogen peroxide keeps them awake so sometimes I like to nebulize hydrogen peroxide during the day, and switch to Colloidal Silver at night. I now have 8 oz bottles that fit well in your nebulizing kit or, save money by buying the larger bottles and refilling your 8 oz bottle.  I highly recommend taking Colloidal Silver internally as well!  For more information on Colloidal Silver    


We have seen TREMENDOUS results with both solutions but if you are not getting better, that could happen when you are on the downhill side but still experiencing symptoms that can persist after the infection is gone. Please contact my office to find out about other supplements and other health tips.


If you have any questions or concerns, text me at the number below. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Nancy Reed
Natural Health Consultant
R&P Wellness Consulting, LLC
Certified Zyto Elite and Evox Specialist


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